My Blog
I deliver revenue-boosting digital solutions that fix your problems.
Precisely how To Add Content material To A Joomla Website
I will teach you how one can make pages with static content. To begin with, make sure you log in to your web site Administration Area. Then choose Content --> Article Manager. At the same time, it is possible to click on Article Manager icon in...
Read morePractical Ways to Improve Website Readability
A readable website will encourage your viewers to remain on your website longer and investigate your content further. Perhaps they will even come back and maybe share your website with their friends. The alternative, unfortunately, is an unreadable...
Read moreEarly days
Over the last few weeks I've been ramping up my efforts to get my teeth into all these prototypes I've got milling around, most of which are linked from my homepage. They work but they're not really manageable or agile from a development...
Read moreHesketh
[img](/assets/img/hesketh.jpg "hesketh") Play, Create, Share and Perform your own music using this simple to use tool. Built from the ground up with performance and sharing in mind, your friends will love your music.
Read moregameWhere The Money Goes
I wanted to share with you a presentation about **Where The Money Goes** that is received from making video games. I made this presentation a few years ago to a game development studio I was running at the time and I believe everyone found it useful...
Read more4 of the Best Spam Filters for WordPress
When a blog receives lots of comments, it is a sign that the blog is a popular one among visitors. On the flip side, a blog with spam comments looks unprofessional. You can either spend your days deleting all of the spam that your WordPress blog is...
Read more5 Ways to Remote Test Your Website for Usability
The usability of your website can be measured to an extent. There are programs that will test the usability or you can use people to test it. Remote testing allows you to find trouble spots on your website so that you can fix them. Let's say that...
Read moreRing Alpha - Uno & Military Sim
Here's a couple of recent posts from my alter ego, Ring Alpha, about the recent web development I've been doing recently. These are exciting times and the move away from games is welcome right now given how bad 2010 has been, here's looking...
Read moreWhat's going on with Sony, Android and Google?
Yesterday we witnessed [Google TV open it's web-doors]( and it reminded me of a common thread between Sony and Google. **Nov 2009** saw [Sony announce]( it was releasing a...
Read moreLinkedInEpisodic Game Content Done Right
I think there's a missed opportunity with Episodic games that are currently being launched, they're largely just about delivering a known experience over an extended period of time and splitting the costs throughout each episode. There's very...
Read morebusiness modelepisodicLinkedIn