My Blog
I deliver revenue-boosting digital solutions that fix your problems.
Guest Post - Three Ways to Zap Stress During Crunch
Stress is a fact of 21st-century life, and all the more so when you're working on big, high-pressure projects. I've worked in a projects environment for most of the past 20 years, and I know how it gets. You start to become irritable, forgetful, you...
Read morecareerStressHow To Improve Your Video Game Pitch - Part 2
Recently I wrote an introduction to [How To Improve Your Pitch](/2010/06/improve-pitch.html) for your game and I thought it worth writing a little bit more ahead of E3 Expo 2010. I'll follow on with a little more detail today. I covered the basics...
Read morebusinessconferencepitchMaximise your Developer Evolution
Well, the inevitable has happened and by the time you're reading this I'll have traveled 250 miles to start the next phase of game development career in Guildford, the hub of game development in the UK. This prompted me to reflect on how things have...
Read morecareerLinchpin Manifesto
### Yes. Now. I am an artist. • I take initiative • I do the work, not the job. • Without critics, there is no art. • **I am a Linchpin. I am not easily replaced****.** • If it's...
Read moreread meSpotlight - 5 Indie Games Developers
The phrase 'indie games' often refers to games made by small independent developers, who fund the game themselves and release it out into the wild but self-publishing. After all, they're not bound to a publisher and therefore independent. I would...
Read morebusinessComment - Full Analysis of iPhone Economics - it is bad news. And then it gets worse
I recently re-tweeted this article and I commented on the post but wanted to bring the discussion here to see what you think. ### Full Analysis of iPhone Economics - it is bad news. And then it gets worse ###
Read morebusinessiphoneWhat's your point of difference?
Bear with me on this one...I'm currently sat watching a TV programme in the UK called '[Mary Queen Of Shops](', which is of particular interest because they're focusing on a business I know near my...
Read morebusinesscareerjQuery heatmap
A jQuery heatmap - [Link]( jQuery Formlabels plugin - [Link]( In search of the one true layout - CSS based layouts...
Read moreGeneralist or Specialist game developer?
Whilst researching teams, I recently came across 2 similar concepts that describe the skills of people working in your beloved game development industry - "T-Shaped" people and "Generalising Specialist". I wanted to know more about them and how...
Read morecareerJavascript TreeGrid control
**JavaScript TreeGrid control** aimed to organize and edit information in grid, tree, or treegrid modes.-[Link]( 10 things every good web developer should know...
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