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Victorian Video Game Production
Is middleware replacing talented, creative developers? Is everything becoming mass produced? {/* */} Our industries echos the early days of the industrial revolution where machines replaced talent and workers were inter-changeable,...
Read moreproductionHow To Improve Your Video Game Developer CV
The way we apply for roles is still baked into the tradition of a paper CV along with the formatting that goes with it. Stop, think about it. Imagine your Resume sat in a pile with the recruiter shuffling through them at high speed, what makes your...
Read morecareerThought - Who are you talking to?
Remember, you're always talking to your game players, the end audience. You're not talking to the middle-man, the Interviewer, Lead Designer, Journalist or your Manager. Think about who it is you're really addressing.
Read moremarketingMarketing your video game is everyone's job
In a world of freelancers, contractors and small, tight development communities. Everyone is on the public face of their business and reputation. We are all constantly marketing something, be it our company or ourselves in one shape or...
Read morebusinessdevelopmentThought - What does Quality mean?
Without looking it up, what does quality mean to you in terms of how you feel about a game or service? On it's own it almost has no meaning, it needs to be preceded by something like "low" or "high" for it to make sense. Lets investigate it's true...
Read moreMyth of the Silver Bullet Game Production Process
There is no one development process that fits all; Scrum, Prince, Lean, Extreme and whatever the current fashion is all have their place and can work but it's typically a hybrid that works best for...
Read moreproductionHow do you think?
When working with other people it's important to consider how they see things, as their view is often very different from your own perspective. In our world of game development there are, broadly speaking, 2 high level ways of looking at...
Read morecareerOpinion - Small businesses STOP USING AUTOMATED REPLIES!
If there's one thing I hate, it's receiving an automated reply from a small business, in particular one that's supposed to connect with me as a person. OK, I'll confess I'm having a rant about recruitment agencies, which is a pretty dangerous thing...
Read morebusinessconnectfunopinionsmallThought - How do you prefer to communicate?
There are many ways to communicate with people, what's your preference? I have to admit that I find telephone conversations the hardest, they fall between the disconnection of something like email or status updates and the 'proper' face-to-face...
Read morecommunicationThought - You Need Slack To Succeed
Slack is the need to have capacity to adapt to change, it's no good running things on such a tight thread that the smallest wave capsizes your venture. How do you cope if someone is ill, how do you...
Read moreproduction