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I deliver revenue-boosting digital solutions that fix your problems.
Thought - Who will make the 1st carbon neutral game?
Hmmm.... this could be a tough one to work out. Imagine all of the power used; development hardware like PCs, food eaten, servers, travel for business and commuting, air-conditioning, manufacturing of the discs, manuals the list goes on and on....
Read morebusinessdevelopmentBook - Agile Game Development with SCRUM
I recently connected with long time promotion and pioneer of Agile game development, Clinton Keith. We got talking and he pointed me in the direction of his book, Agile Game Development with SCRUM, which I'll be picking up soon. If you've read it,...
Read moreread meDo you connect with your video game audience?
The relationship between games and their audience has changed over the years, thanks to the internet we're now able to reach out and touch them directly. This relationship is precious and much more important than just "cutting out the middleman" to...
Read more15 seconds of fame
"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." - Andy Warhol, 1968 Time has become compressed, 15 minutes is a long time...
Read more10,000 hours to success as a game developer
In 2008, Gladwell's book _"Outliers: The Story of Success"_ repeatedly mentions the "10,000-Hour Rule", claiming that the key to success in any field is, to a large extent, a matter of practicing a specific task for a total of around 10,000 hours....
Read morecareerWeakest Link - Be A Better Game Developer
[img](/assets/img/FEATURE_YenYen_GlassCeiling.jpg) Has your business hit a glass ceiling?
Read morebusinesscareer7 of my favourite Games Industry RSS Feeds
I spend a lot of my time keeping in touch with what's going off in the Games Industry and I thought it worthwhile sharing 7 of my favourite Games Industry [RSS]( Feeds to keep you all up-to-date. I...
Read moreread meFinishing Your Video Game Production is Hard
Every new project starts out exciting and fun. Then it gets harder and less fun, until it hits a low point-really hard, and not much fun at all. And then you find yourself asking if the...
Read moreproductionRecommended Read - Small is the New Big - Seth Godin
For me, even though this book is a few years old the title of Seth's book "[Small is the...
Read moreread meAre you and your game unique?
In a world of seemingly infinite choice of games and staff, how do you stand out? How can you differentiate your offering so that everyone wants it? How can you make it easier for people to find your needle in a global haystack? Why would someone...
Read morebusinesscareer