My Blog
I deliver revenue-boosting digital solutions that fix your problems.
Don't miss the growing mobile web audience
[img](/assets/img/iphone_ra.jpg "iPhone view of Ring Alpha")Mobile purchases and mobile web viewing are increasing every day and it's simply not good enough to expect users to view your regular site. iPhone, Android and tablet viewers expect custom...
Read moreHow to Choose the Best Website Designer
In order to compete in today's tough hospitality economy, business owners need a strong online presence. The convenience of online shopping, coupled with the high price of gasoline, means a growing number of potential customers are on the Internet...
Read moreHow SEO Boosts Your Page Rank
Do you ever use search engines to find a product or service on the Internet, rather than physically getting in your car and driving to the local department store? You're not alone. Millions of others are doing the same every day. How often do you...
Read moreExtend the Range of your Home or Business Wifi Network
I am sometimes asked how to extend the range of your home or business Wifi network using cheap hardware and the ADSL Router your ISP gave you for free and I wanted to share with you my tips. **UPDATE:** This also works with the...
Read moreeCommerce Site -
[img](/assets/img/ApprovedFood_v2.jpg "Approved Food v2") Today saw the first public showing of the eCommerce site refresh for [](, which we're amazingly proud of. This is an ongoing extensive web...
Read moredevelopmentecommercewebsiteNew Hosting service for mid-size eCommerce site
 Ring Alpha recently provide a **server migration service** for one of our ongoing...
Read moreecommercehostingTips for Pricing Website Design
If you are fairly new to the website design business, then you may be at a loss as to what to charge. If you charge too much, you may never get any clients. If you charge too little, your perceived value can be lower than your time is worth. In...
Read moreRing Alpha - Uno & Military Sim
Here's a couple of recent posts from my alter ego, Ring Alpha, about the recent web development I've been doing recently. These are exciting times and the move away from games is welcome right now given how bad 2010 has been, here's looking...
Read moreTop Link Cloaking Plugins for WordPress
If you have a blog with affiliated link hijacking. It does not matter if you are writing about poster printing or computer programing, this is problem that every blogger will face. In order to prevent someone else from taking the money for...
Read moreWhere have I been?
It's been quite a long time since I posted about Game Production as I've been focusing my efforts on my new venture '[Ring Alpha](' where I'm currently focusing on making my own video games and collaborating with other indie...
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