10 Incredible CSS Resources
CSS is becoming a very popular part of web design these days. Most designers now offer CSS design as a part of their services, and even amateur designers are learning all they can about CSS. The best part about Cascading Style Sheets is that the pages load quickly and the layout it very easy to change. So if you are looking for some tips, tricks, and cheats for CSS, the list below should help you out.
For those who feel they can tackle the technical language, this site is the place to learn all you need to know about CSS. Those who are new to CSS can still benefit from this, although it might take a bit of work. Reading over the sections a few times, then attempting to complete CSS designs, and then re-reading the instructions is a great way to become familiar with the language. Just keep in mind when reading through this site that it also gives instructions on how to use CSS for other media designs, such as posters or brochures.
2. CSS Tutorial by w3schools.com
If you are not interested in learning CSS by deciphering the technical speak, this site is a great place for you to learn the basics as well as some more advanced tips. W3schools.com also provides CSS colors, a reference section, web safe fonts, and more.
3. CSS Reference by SitePoint.com
SitePoint.com provides a wide range of CSS references, including CSS properties, selectors, AT-rules, concepts, and examples. This website also has HTML and JavaScript references if needed. You can also check out blogs, articles, books, kits, videos, and more while on this site.
4. 50 Extremely Useful and Powerful CSS Tools
Need some tools for your CSS design? Smashing Magazine provides an extensive list of sites on which to find CSS tools. Plus, the divided up into organized sections, making it easy to find exactly the tool resources you need. Find CSS Typography, Online Tools, Handy Kits, In-Browser Tools complete with Firefox Extensions, Coding and Programming, Frameworks, Bookmarks, and Layouts in this very helpful article.
This is an amazing site for both beginners and advanced users of CSS. It has everything from getting your creative juices flowing to tools and services to usability and accessibility. Although this website also contains information for XHTML, JavaScript, and more, much of the resources are related to CSS. So whether you need some daily reading or CSS navigation menus, this is the place to go.
6. Listamatic
Do you need some ideas or inspiration for CSS lists? Listamatic provides plenty of Plus, there are also some layout generators as well as a browser support chart to help with your list design.
If you need some help making the switch to CSS layouts, this site will help you out. The layout techniques listed are cross-browser and all sites listed have been stripped down to their very essential codes, making it easy to see exactly how a layout was created.
If you are frustrated by trying to figure out the browser problems encountered with CSS design, this site will help to end your troubles. The creator of this site, Big John, explains about common bugs found in browsers as well as gives CSS techniques that work with any browser.
9. CSS Tutorials from Html.net
This site provides free tutorials for building a CSS website. Plus, it gives an explanation on how CSS works and what it is. Don’t want to wade through English instructions? Choose to read the tutorials in your native tongue with translation options that include Dutch, Arabic, French, Spanish, and much more.
10. CSS Layouts: 40+ Tutorials, Tips, Demos, and Best Practices
Another very helpful article from Smashing Magazine, the resources for CSS layout found on this page are sure to contain what you need. Sample page layouts, step-by-step layouts, best practices, templates, and more can be found to aid you in your CSS experimentation and design.