200+ RSS feeds from carefully cultivated reading list
Over the years I’ve found that RSS feeds have made it easier for me to keep up the latest news in my reading list. I have a carefully cultivated list of 200+ home & work related feeds that I patrol every day. Here’s how to import my list for your own use.
The imminent demise of Google Reader on 1st June 2013 has prompted me to find an alternative reader. To be safe I exported my reading list in OPML formatso I could take it with me (linked to this post).
How can I use your reading list?
Since most RSS readers sync with Google Reader you can use that as a way to get the feed setup. After which you can sync it with your favourite reader of choice
Here’s a quick way to use my feeds as a starting point:
- Download my reading list in OPML format - http://db.tt/Sad7oSAT
- Open Google Reader - http://www.google.co.uk/reader
- Go to Reader Settings (via the little cog at the top right of the Google Reader window)
- Find the Import/Export tab in settings, then import my OPML file you downloaded earlier
Why Feedly?
After much investigation I chose Feedly as my weapon of choice.
Feedly gives me everything I need for my reading list between browser & mobile in a clean, elegant way. Feedly enables me to send posts to Pocket too where I can read & share them at my leisure. I often patrol the headlines and my iPhone and then send interesting posts to Pocket where I can read them in comfort on my laptop or tablet.
How do I import into Feedly?
It really couldn’t be simpler as you don’t have to import anything!
- Go to Feedly, register and connect to your account to Google Reader - http://www.feedly.com/
- Feedly will import all the feeds
That’s it. Stick with Feedly as it supports ‘Send to Pocket’
Obviously my feeds will only get you started as there’s probably a lot of stuff in there you’re never going to read but it’s a start. :)
You can also install a Feedly plugin for Firefox & Chrome that makes curating your feeds ever so easy.
Boom! You now have an awesome easy way to keep up-to-date with everything that’s going on around your favourite websites.
- Download my blog reading list - http://db.tt/Sad7oSAT
- Google Reader - http://www.google.co.uk/reader
- Feedly - http://www.feedly.com/
- Feedly for Firefox - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/feedly/
- Feedly for Chrome - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/feedly-your-news-rss-goog/hipbfijinpcgfogaopmgehiegacbhmob?hl=en