How SEO Boosts Your Page Rank

Do you ever use search engines to find a product or service on the Internet, rather than physically getting in your car and driving to the local department store? You’re not alone. Millions of others are doing the same every day. How often do you go beyond the first two search results pages to find what you’re looking for? How about beyond the first few entries on the first page?

Perhaps without realising it, you’ve just demonstrated know how SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) can boost the ‘page rank’ of your own business website.

Page Ranking Determines Success

What exactly is page rank? Page rank determines whether potential customers will find your business on page one of a web search, or page 1,022. The ultimate goal is for your website to be the first business listed on the first page. Generally, buyers of products and services type a specific word or words into their browser to describe what they’re looking for. For example, ‘Jamaica travel’ or ‘cruise to Bermuda’. If they know the name of your business, even better, because the search engines return hundreds, thousands, even millions of results that match the words they are using to search, either completely or partially. The customer then browses through page one…maybe page two…but very few will go beyond that to find what they’re looking for.

Many factors go into putting your company on page one, but great business web design is one excellent way to boost your page rank and bring customers knocking at your virtual door and scheduling vacations,

SEO Boosts Rankings Through:

  • Key Words and Phrases
  • Increased Relevance
  • Popularity
  • Improved
  • Weeding Out the Competition

Although success does not usually happen overnight, with good SEO, your business website will rise swiftly through the ranks, moving your online presence from the back page to front of all the competition. Here’s how:

Key Words and Phrases

When consumers are looking for a business via the Internet, they do not put a complete description in the text box. Likewise, general words may bring up a whole slew of sites having nothing to do with the need. For example, typing in ‘the renaissance’ as a search term brings up results related to The Middle Ages, an investment firm called Renaissance, a search engine marketing club, and others. If your business is named ‘Renaissance’, it may be listed on the 3rd page or further down, and will never be found by the visitor. Therefore, targeted words or phrases help narrow down the choices for optimal sites to peruse. In a case where the business name is similar to many other company names, other SEO strategies and keywords can help in this regard. With good SEO, your pages will be peppered with the most common words used to consumers to find what your business has to offer.

Increased Relevance

With proper key words and phrases blended into your web site content, your business website design and pages will increase in relevance, which translates into more consumer dollars spent on your site. During a search for business, the competition will be left in the dust, if your page pops up as the most relevant to the consumer’s search terms. The best SEO companies, like business Web Design, know how to uncover what people are searching for to get the best results.


As soon as your site begins to show more traffic (visitors), search engines will pick up on its growing popularity. Then, subsequent searches will be more likely to see your business chosen as the best. Thus, your page ranking has hit a major milestone in page rank. Soon, search engines scour the web for pertinent information, and your business will be at the top of the list.


As your pages increase in popularity and begin to rank higher, you can track how improved start elsewhere and end up on your page. With great business web design will be instrumental in out-selling the competition, and your bottom line will reflect that change.

Weeding Out the Competition

It’s simple supply and demand. As your business grows, your competitors will be further left behind. Your pages will rank even higher than before. Finally, the first page, and possibly first place, is attainable thanks to SEO.

Want to outshine the competition? Allow business Web Design to apply our expert knowledge and experience in SEO to boost the page rank of your business’s web design. Please contact us to find out more.


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