Javascript TreeGrid control
JavaScript TreeGrid control aimed to organize and edit information in grid, tree, or treegrid modes.-Link.
10 things every good web developer should know - Link.Web Design and development process chart - Link.
Web Design criticism - a how to - guidelines for constructive web design criticism from Smashing Mag - Link.
How to hire a great graphic designer - Business Insider War Room - Link.
jbgallery is a UI widget webpage written in javascript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single big image, multiple images, multiple galleries, slideshows, as a site’s background, in a “dialog” mode or as a common pop-up. - Link.
30 web based applications useful for web designers - Link.
A web designer needs a good method for delivering designs. Instead of using email attachments, PPTs and PDFs here is a fresh new way - Link.
jQuery news ticker - liScroll - liScroll is a jQuery plugin that transforms any given unordered list into a scrolling News Ticker Link.
Be a CSS Team Player: CSS Best Practices for Team-Based Development
By Emily P. Lewis. “How many times have you picked up a project that someone else started, only to discover that the creator’s original code is a mess?
Or you work with several team members, each of whom has their own way writing code? Or you revisit a project you created years ago, and you don’t remember what you were thinking?…”
Forrst: Microblogging for web designers and developers - share pieces of code, design ideas, prototypes and engage in feedback with the web design community - Link.