Recommended Read - Small is the New Big - Seth Godin
For me, even though this book is a few years old the title of Seth’s book “Small is the New Big” sums up the changes that are happening throughout the Games Industry and the global economy where new, small companies are stealing the march on the bigger slumbering giants and making a real difference.
This book is a collection of the best of Seth’s blog posts that really capture the essence of what was going off in the world where people were people have more choice and ways to spend their time & money.
The series of short stories make this easily digestible and great for filling the odd moment or too.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading through the myriad of short stories in this book and I have learned a lot from it. It has changed my perspective on a lot of aspects of business and truly opened my eyes to how things should be in the 21st century.
A highly recommended read.
I’d suggest you also take a look at Seth’s other work including his blog and other books.
Visit Amazon via the link below to check out more details including synopsis, ratings and other reviews.