What I was responsible for as Studio Head
I’m having a bit of a dig about in some old documents and I found my old job specification for when I was Studio Head for Kuju Sheffield.
Studio Head Job Summary
The Studio Head has ultimate responsibility for building and maintaining a profitable business based on creating quality products in a timely manner delivered to the market through long term business partners and developed by a balanced high caliber motivated team.
Studio Head (SH) Responsibilities
- Manage the studio as a profitable business unit.
- Develop the studio’s Strategy working with the CEO for approval by the board.
- Develop the studio’s Brand strategy working with the CEO for approval by the board.
- Develop the studio’s BP working with the FD & CEO for approval by the board.
- Execute against the BP including responsibility for the studio’s financial performance.
- Agree accounts with F&A in advance of monthly studio board meeting.
- Complete the studio report for monthly studio board meeting.
- Attend and execute actions from the monthly board meeting.
- Liaise with the other SHs, Department Managers and Executives on all matters with a cross studio (including Digital Hobbies) element including sales opportunities, corporate intelligence, customer feedback, staff feedback, recruitment.
- Execute the timely, profitable, high quality delivery of all the studio’s projects.
- Manage the staff within the studio including team/project allocation, take direct responsibility for key team member selection. Ensure authority and responsibility is properly delegated and is transparent within the studio.
- Ensure appropriate development processes are in place for studio and are used effectively by development teams.
- Develop project budgets for approval by the CEO & FD.
- Develop project plans & designs with the team for approval by the CEO.
- Execute on production within these budgets & plans.
- Ensure that a clear creative and commercial vision for each project is maintained and is well understood by the team, especially the key team members and stars.
- Manage the level of creative ownership by the studio compared to the publisher.
- Take line management responsibility for lead team members, including staff development, time and attendance management, discipline and reward as required.
- Provide customer marketing and PR assets in a timely, high quality fashion.
- Evangelise the products within their publisher and to the consumer. Maintain interaction with any title’s player community.
Business Development
- Develop and maintain all commercial relationships for the studio.
- Specifically develop customer relationships to maximise product success and be responsible for sequel and follow-on business with existing customers.
- Ensure that the studio is professional, open and honest in all its relationships.
- Ensure that all new business is within the studio’s Strategy and complements the Brand strategy.
- Ensure that the studio has sufficient workflow.
- Prepare pitches, concepts and prototypes as agreed with CEO.
- Prepare quotes and other bid materials as agreed with CEO.
- Negotiate contracts including directing legal support.
- Negotiate deals for final approval by the CEO.
- Provide marketing & PR assets in a timely, high quality fashion, to the BDM following the processes laid out by the BDD.
- Provide timely assets to support the up to date maintenance of the company’s website to the BDM.
- Initiate and develop sales opportunities, work with the BDM & CEO on qualifying, prioritising and closing opportunities.
- Provide the BDM with timely accurate sales updates.
- Support the BDM to open new relationships and opportunities.
- Support group and other studio’s business development activities.
- Maintain awareness of the external perception of the studio’s brand.
- Execute on the brand strategy.
- Agree the BD budget for the studio with BDM and FD.
- Execute on BD tasks within the agreed budget.
HR & Recruitment
- Develop the staff within the studio including motivation, training, salary review, performance, morale and structure.
- Manage recruitment of new staff within the studio.
- Identify and nurture star staff.
- Identify under performing staff and manage remedial action.
- Ensure studio the staff understand the Strategy & Brand and objectives for the studio.
- Develop an effective studio culture.
- Agree studio staff sourcing plan with the CEO & HRM (covering full time, contract, outsourcing ratio, graduate recruitment and inter-studio cross charging).
- Execute on the staff sourcing plan.
- Operate within the processes laid out by the HR Department.
- Agree the HR Recruitment budget for the studio with HRM and CEO.
- Execute on HR Recruitment tasks within the agreed budget.
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Finance & Administration
- Provide timely accurate accounting information to F&A.
- Provide timely accurate staff allocation/timekeeping information to F&A.
- Agree accruals, deferrals and WIP monthly with FD.
- Manage the office and all facilities of the studio.
- Manage the administrative systems at the studio level (PRQs, sickness/holiday, etc).
- Operate within the processes laid out by the F&A Department.
- Agree the administration budget for the studio with FD.
- Execute on administration tasks within the agreed budget.
- Operate within the processes laid out by the IT Department.
- Ensure the studio’s staff operates within IT policies/practices.
- Agree the IT budget for the studio (not the projects) with ITM & FD.
- Execute on IT tasks within the agreed budget.
- Source tools, technology and supporting systems as agreed with Research.
- Present the games to Research (QA) at regular intervals in development.
- Present the plans/code/assets to Research at regular intervals in development.